Chapter News
Zeros Heros
February 23, 2017
Brother Tony "Aztek" Minter of Eta Chapter and Kappa Lambda Chi National Chaplain is a cancer survivor who speaks out to end prostate cancer. He's a passionate Zero advocate who attends the Zero Summit each year in Washington, DC and educates men in his local community about their risk for prostate cancer.

Chocolate Jazz Affair
February 15, 2020
At the Chocolate Jazz Affair ETA Chapter presented a check for $2000.00 to Gateway to the Army Association (Mr. Martin Wells (CSM Retired) for the Centennial Park located on Fort Jackson, South Carolina. For our contributions the fraternity will receive a 8x8 plaque permanently located on the wall of the park in recognition of Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity's support

ETA reads to kids
May 06, 2018
ETA Chapter of Kappa Lambda Chi Military Inc. spent the afternoon with MG Livingston of Fort Jackson, South Carolina. ETA assisted MG Livingston with running different stations and reading a selected book to children and their parents@ EdVenture Children,s Museum in Columbia, South Carolina

ETA Chapter presents Award to True Beleivers Church
April 22, 2018
The Brother's of ETA Chapter presented True Believers Church and Ministries in Columbia, South Carolina with a $ 600 check as token of appreciation. True Believers Church allows the chapter to have their monthly meetings at the building. Brother Aztek has been a blessing to us and we really do appreciate him.

President prents Award
April 21, 2018
The President of ETA Chapter, TOP KWUΛLIT13 presented the LoC of the Quarter Award to Brother DEEDS. As the Chapter Secretary Brother Deeds work tirelessly to ensure the chapters administrative requirements are met and vital information is pushed out to the brothers to ensuring the chapter is functional.

Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity Inc. Invicta custom watch
February 01, 2018
The Brothers in ETA Chapter of Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity Inc. designed a watch for the fraternity. The company Invicta custom made the watch and here is a prototype of what it looks like! The Brothers of ETA Chapter, Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity Inc. continue to contribute to this great Fraternity of ours. These exceptional gentlemen are helping this fraternity rise to the top.

Feeding the Homeless in Charlotte, North Carolina
January 06, 2018
The Brothers of Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity Inc. ETA Chapter got the opportunity to conduct community outreach in Charlotte, North Carolina @ Men’s Shelter of Charlotte. The Brothers helped serve meals to the homeless and fellowship.

Bingo with the Veterans
November 30, 2017
The brothers of ETA Chapter assisted the Activity Coordinator today @ Wm. Jennings Bryan Dorn VA Medical Center in Columbia, South Carolina with lifting the spirits of our proud veterans. The brothers participated in playing bingo and trading war stories with each other it was truly a humbling experience!!!

2017 Second Nazareth Baptist Church Silver Saints Prom
May 20, 2017
The brothers of Eta Chapter participated in the 2017 Second Nazareth Baptist Church Silver Saints Prom for Senior Citizens. The brothers of Eta Chapter escorted the senior citizens into the prom and enjoyed a night of dinner, dancing and socializing with senior attendees.

ETA Chapter awarded two JROTC Cadets with a $500 scholarship each.
May 10, 2017
ETA Chapter was afforded the opportunity to award two well deserving JROTC Cadets a $500 dollar scholarship each @ Blythewood High School in Columbia, South Carolina. The two cadets earned the scholarships by writing an essay on how would they affect their communities through community outreach. The brothers of ETA Chapter also got the opportunity to present other awards to deserving cadets.