Kappa Lambda Chi Military Brotherhood
Fraternal organizations are not new to our society they have been around for thousands of years. The need to relate to likeminded individuals has always been a necessity to sustain life. The old saying “No man is an island” and “It takes a village” came from people that knew a little something about humanity.
Now, fast forward a few thousand years to the American Revolution and how likeminded individuals in England couldn’t reach a happy medium with the likeminded individuals of the Americas which led to us becoming the most immolated, sought after, and powerful country in the world!
When our nation’s leaders decided to create the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard they seemed to have over looked one small necessity “The Military Fraternity”. We are honored to say that Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity Inc. is made up of likeminded individuals who gather together as brothers for the greater good of humanity and we are up for the challenge!